Well. First thing's first - I transferred! Ahh! I miss
Frederiksberg already - but I'm now in Slagelse, a cute little town close to
the edge of Sjælland. It's very different from Copenhagen! But OH so hyggeligt!
It feels like home already. (It's pronounced Slayelse, just incase you were wondering ;) )
I am companions with Sister Vige, who is from
Norway. She is 21, is really good at doing hair, and is 6 weeks older
than me in the mission. She is awesome and I'm so excited that we're
I can't believe it's almost John's birthday. Is he really
turning 11? I'm going to send a post card this week! And school is starting in
a week?! AHHH!
This last week was a rather hectic one, with trying to see
people one last time and making sure Sister Handley felt good about the area.
She's going to do great - she's training a new missionary! I think she's a
little worried about it but I know she'll rock it.
We went on splits with the
sister training leaders and I got to be with Sister Packard again for a day!
That was awesome - we reminisced on all the good times in Aalborg.
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Sister Packard and I on splits (does it look kind of like a certain famous painting to you?) |
The night
splits started, Sister Packard got a call from a man named David who got a
pass-along card a week ago. He called because he wanted to see the church but
the church's address wasn't written on the card. Sister Packard invited him to
come to a church tour the next day and we ended up teaching him the first
lesson as we gave the tour - it went so well. It was pretty perfect that we
were on splits for it, because it turns out he lives in the Frederiksberg ward
boundaries, not the Gladsaxe 1 boundaries, so he will be attending our
ward! It was really funny because David thought that the temple was the
church building, and parked his motorcycle right outside the
temple steps.
While we were together Sister Packard and I decided we would try
to make a more focused effort to use travel time on the s-togs for finding
people. As a result we got a girl's number, a lesson, and someone's address! It
was really productive.
Also, Sister Packard gave me some amazing advice that I
really needed to hear. I told her that in the last little while I've been
having a mid-mission crisis where I feel like I'm trying hard to be a better
person, but I've kind of lost who I am. She quoted the scripture where Christ
says "he that loseth his life for me shall find it" and it hit me:
I've been working so hard to become a better person myself that I've forgotten
to lose myself in the work, and therefore... I've lost myself! Haha does that
make sense?
Then Sister Packard said that sometimes it seems like there are all
these expectations for a mission - that essentially a person has to become
perfect in those 18 months or 2 years. But that's not the purpose of a mission!
The purpose is to invite others to come unto Christ - and of course we become
better people as we serve, but our focus is on inviting others, not reading the
entire standard works or perfecting every Christlike attribute. We read in the
standard works and work on Christlike attributes to become better tools in the
Lord's hands - they are a means to an end, not the end itself.
Anyways it
really made me think about why I am out here, and it was honestly quite a relief
to realize that in the 18 months I am on a mission I am not expected to become
a perfect person - I am expected to help other people take the same steps I'm
taking now! Faith in Jesus Christ. Repentance. Baptism by immersion for the
remission of sins. Receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost. Enduring to the end.
Our investigators are doing well, last week was a little
challenging because we were having a hard time getting ahold of everyone - or
we would make an appointment, the day of the appointment would come, and they
would cancel.
But! We met with G and taught her the plan of Salvation.
It's been a while since she has been willing to let us teach one of the lessons
(she dropped us on June but we held contact), but she had read the Plan of Salvation
pamphlet and we had a great talk about it. J is also doing well, but from
what G was telling us the language barrier (She's not super great at
English or Danish) is intimidating to her. But we have some wonderful
Portuguese speaking members who can help with that!
Yesterday I wrote all of the potential investigators we've found
in the last couple of weeks in the area book and we called a lot of them and...
miracle of miracles, people answered their phones! Sister Handley has 2 lessons
and a church tour set up for this week from it :) We'll just keep praying that
it all goes through.
And yesterday was my last Sunday in the Frederiksberg ward... ah
what a great place I am leaving. I got to play piano for sacrament meeting one
last time (haha let's just say I am not the best at playing piano for sacrament
meeting) and relief society! It was very bittersweet. There are so many people
in Copenhagen I have grown to love so much. Even if they forget me, I'll never
forget them!!!
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D (most amazing girl... she's from the US and always has something really insightful to say! She served a mission in South Carolina) |
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Pia (Min lille Danske Mor) and I... I got a little emotional after saying goodbye to her. Love that lady so much! |
So that was a bit of the week. It's been exciting, it's
been crazy (we had a district activity by the way! Sand volleyball and soccer
all day! One of the elders toenails cut my ankle during soccer... gross.), and
this week will exciting be too! :) Transfers are always an adventure. My camera is dead
but I will send pictures of Slagelse next week!
I'm glad I'm here on a mission and I am
excited to see all the good things that will happen here in Slagelse!
I pray for you and I hope you have a great last week of summer.
I hope it stays warm! I hope the volcano in Iceland erupts after tomorrow,
because tomorrow is when all the missionaries go home and the new missionaries
fly here!
Søster Hannah Barrett :)
PS and... a man duct taped to a sign in the train station. Wha'?