Hej! Undskyld jeg har ikke skrevet nok på Dansk! Altså... Jeg
troede Engelsk var godt nok men Dansk er jo verdens bedste sprog. Så må jeg
gerne skrive lidt på Dansk. ;)
I'm doing great today. How are you?
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Søster Vige and Søster Barrett |
T, a member here (her fiance is F,
the one who is teaching us Italian) has a tradition of taking the missionaries
out to eat at an "American" steakhouse. We went there last week. I'm
not sure how American it tasted because I had a really bad head cold and
couldn't taste anything! But we're going again this week so no worries ;)
Oh by the way! I got super sick last Tuesday - throwing up,
fever, the whole shabang. It was not fun. But it only lasted one day! And
Sister Vige called a bunch of potential/previous investigators while I was
dying on the couch, and made some appointments! One of the guys she called,
P, we met with on Saturday and he's investigating the church again!
CONFERENCE! Woooo I am so excited! It's going to be so
good. The elders made a goal to be at a different house for each session and we
decided to copy them. So on Saturday (we only see the first session on Saturday
because of time difference) we're going to M's house, then on Sunday we'll
be with T and F, and then in the church building. It should be fun!
I am excited to learn from the prophets and apostles of our day. How awesome is
it that we have the same callings and leaders in the church now as when Jesus
Christ was on the earth? I love that about the church.
The last week was amazing. So a few weeks ago (because of President Teixiera's visit) President Sederholm gave us new guidelines for our lessons - that we should try to keep lessons to 25 minutes or less as appropriate, ask the people we teach who we can pray for and help in their lives, and ask at least one baptismal interview question each lesson - whether it's with an investigator or a less-active. Sister Vige and I were having a hard time applying it all in real life, and I was kind of starting to think it didn't work.
Then on Wednesday last week I went to a
year-mark meeting with my MTC group, and the focus was on the new rules. It was
really recharging and motivating - I realized that I had kind of lost my faith
in the plan. But the meeting was just what I needed, and I came back with some
new ideas and a lot more faith - it spread to Sister Vige, and from that day on
we did our best to apply the new guidelines. It wasn't perfect but it was a LOT
better than the week before, and the Spirit was so much more with us.
lessons were more meaningful and to-the-point, and we got a lot closer to the
people we work with. I loved it!!! Sister Vige and I are teaching with a lot
more unity now as well, not that we weren't before, but it's even better now.
It's so great to see the work moving forward, and to feel like we're making a
difference in peoples' lives.
This week we're planning on meeting with M a few times (he's
reading in 2 Nephi now by the way! and is working on the word of wisdom! Sister
Vige made us all matching friendship braclets too, which is pretty darn nifty),
as well as our other investigators and several less actives/recent converts.
We're also going to the hospital for Sister Vige's MRI scan, and we should be
finding out about transfers within the week! I hope that we can be happy for
whatever happens with transfers, because Sister Vige doesn't want to leave and
I don't want her to either!
And I hope this week I can work on having more
charity in my heart - just more sincere love for the people we are with here. I
got Elder Cragun's email home this week and something he said that I thought
was awesome was - faith without works is dead, but faith and works without
charity is dead too. It's so true! Missionary work only means something if you
do it with your whole heart.
Time is going faster and faster and I'm kind of
panicking thinking that someday this is going to come to an end. Gotta make the
most of the time I have!!!
Anywho, I have to get going - I've got a few more emails to
write before I get off the computer!
Vi ses næste
PS pictures! Windmills in a field on our way out to a members
house. And
me in a field!